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The Infant Learner : 03 Decemb... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:-  Value Investing , The Javier Ruiz Way Javier Ruiz serves as Chief Investment officer at Metagestion. Metagestion is an independent investment manager with over 30 years of experience which follows an investment philosophy of value investing for 15 years. He joined [...]

The Infant Learner : 26 Novemb... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:-  Index Investing , The John C.Bogle Way John C.Bogle , 87 , is Founder of The Vanguard Group Inc. He created Vanguard in 1974 and served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until 1996 and Senior Chairman until 2000. He had [...]

The Infant Learner : 19 Novemb... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:-  Chris Mayer on 100- Baggers Chris learned the art of valuing companies the hard way - clocking a decade as a corporate banker while also earning his MBA. After 11 years with Agora Financial - during which he wrote two very [...]