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The Infant Learner : 1 October... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:-  Deep Value Investor : Amit Wadhwaney Amit Wadhwaney is a Portfolio Manager and Co-Founding Partner at Moerus Capital Management LLC,and the founding manager of the Moerus Worldwide Value Fund. Mr.Wadhwaney has over 25 years of experience researching and analyzing investment opportunities [...]

The Infant Learner : 24 Septem...

The Infant Learner : 24 September ,2016 The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:- Micro Cap Investor : Ian Cassel Ian Cassel is the founder of, which is an exclusive forum for experienced micro-cap investors focused on micro-cap companies (sub $300 million market cap ) trading on the US and Canadian markets. Ian has [...]

The Infant Learner : 17 Septem...

The Infant Learner : 17 September ,2016 The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:- Henry Singleton: The Outsider Dr.Henry E. Singleton ( 1916-1999) was a business genius.He co-founded Teledyne in 1960 and turned the company from a industry minnow into a highly profitable U.S. corporation. Growth was driven through acquisitions of deeply undervalued public companies.Although [...]