My presentation on the power of habit & joy of compounding
Annual Letter to Investors 201...
Today MFP completed its 3 years journey. Congratulations to each one of you. Without your trust & support, this journey was not possible. In last year we have added 25 new clients but our asset under advisory jumped from 2.5 Crore from 4.5 crores which has strengthened the trust relationship that we have with our […]
The Infant Learner: 10 March 2... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A. This week's Special:- PC Musthafa: The idly-dosa man of Bengaluru PC Musthafa is the CEO & Co-founder of iD Fresh Food (India) Pvt. Ltd. Born in a remote village in Kerala to a coolie dad, Musthafa PC was a school dropout who later did [...]