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The Infant Learner: 13 January... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:- Interview with Whitney Georg Whitney George has been the portfolio manager of the Sprott Focus Trust since 2003. Prior to joining Sprott, he was a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Royce and held positions with Dominick & Dominick, Inc., WR Lazard [...]

The Infant Learner: 23 Decembe... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:- Bill Nygren: "Value Investing Principles and Approach" Bill Nygren has been a manager of the Oakmark Select Fund (OAKLX) since 1996, Oakmark Fund (OAKMX) since 2000 and the Oakmark Global Select Fund (OAKWX) since 2006. He is also the Chief Investment Officer [...]

The Infant Learner: 16 Decembe... The Infant Learner Some stuff I read this week: A.  This week's Special:- Intelligent Investing, Competitive Advantage, And Building A Firm, With Sean Stannard-Stockton Sean Stannard-Stockton is the president and chief investment officer of California's Ensemble Capital, which manages about $600 million on behalf of high-net-worth households, private foundations, nonprofit endowments, and charitable trusts. Sean [...]