The Infant Learner
Some stuff I read this week:
A. Market Research
B. Entrepreneurial Diary

C. What’s a Reputation Worth?
Trading Games (DD)
What’s a Reputation Worth? (YM)
How Finfluencers Use Fake Screenshots to Run Scams (LM)
89% Traders Lose Money in F&O in India – SEBI Study (2022-23) (SEBI)
Manufacturing Reputations: A Sting Operation on the World Fin-influencers (ML)
Options Trainers, Stock Tipsters, Influencers and Other Disgusting Creatures (IN)
Trainers Who Lure Gullible Investors with Fake Trading Profits Need To Be Made Accountable (MC) (NSE) (ML)

D. Personal Finance

E. Other Articles
Happiness (WG)
(Un)comfortable (SK)
How To Be Lucky (SC)
I Hate Guidance (MC)
Looking for Asymmetric outcomes (SD)
Compassion Is the Greatest Virtue (MT)
Why Compounding is so Difficult – by John Neff (AC)
15 Ideas, Frameworks, and Lessons from 15 Years (NF)
The Most Powerful Mental Model for Identifying Stocks (SN)
When the Stock Market Plunges…Will You Be Brave or Will You Cave? (JZ)

“I read everything: annual reports, 10k’s, 10q’s, biographies, histories, five newspapers a day. On airplanes, I read the instructions on the backs of seats. Reading is key. Reading has made me rich over time” – Warren Buffett
“I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent, but they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were when they got up and boy does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you” – Charlie Munger
You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better”- Carol Dweck
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