
The Infant Learner

Some stuff I read this week:

A. Market Research

MFP Market Report Card (MFP)

B. Entrepreneurial Diary

Market Pressure (SB)
Distribution Is King (EV)
In Defense of Mistakes (DA)
Be Your Own Marketing (YM)
The Market Size Mistake (TT)
The Little Things that Result in the Big Things

C. The Indispensability of Risk

My Best Investing Decision (VI)
The Indispensability of Risk (HM)
Prashant Jain’s Last Note for HDFC MF (PJ)

D. Personal Finance

Buying High vs Buying Low (FF)
How to Stay Calm in a Bear Market (RR)
Invest for the Decades, Not the Years (DD)
Knowledge Alone Doesn’t Change Behavior (CS)
10 Financial Lessons from 10 years of Blogging (FF)
Will The Right Financial Advisor For Me Please Stand Up? (MC)

E. Other Articles

Conviction Investing (MC)
Three Money Ideas (NS)
How to Lie With Charts (CS)
Growth And Optionality (II)
This Time Is No Different (TS)
The Art of Portfolio Construction (NI)
The Shrinking Investor Behavior Gap (II)
The India Opportunity by Sunil Singhania (CFA)
Biggest Learnings from 5 years of Intelsense (IS)
The Thing that Doesn’t Mix Well With Investing (II)
Will the Growth of Indexing Lead to Its Downfall? (WM)
Why is it so Easy to Disregard Behavioural Finance? (BI)

“I read everything: annual reports, 10k’s, 10q’s, biographies, histories, five newspapers a day. On airplanes, I read the instructions on the backs of seats. Reading is key. Reading has made me rich over time” – Warren Buffett

“I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent, but they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were when they got up and boy does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you” – Charlie Munger

You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better”-  Carol Dweck